@article{oai:wako.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004811, author = {バンバン, ルディアント and 小林, 弘明}, issue = {2}, journal = {和光経済, Wako Keizai}, month = {Feb}, note = {application/pdf, The ASEAN Economic Community(AEC), launched in 2015, concludes that eliminating tariffs on goods among 10 ASEAN countries is a pillar, but does not reach a strong regional agreement like the EU. Specifically, two symbolic goods, namely rice and sugar, are excluded from trade liberalization, and services and labor movements are also in progress of discussion among member countries. The AEC will be targeted for completion in 2025, but as of 2019 there are still many problems. In particular, ASEAN takes the principle of decision-making mechanism based on“non-intervention”and“consensus”, in which a true economic community will be difficult to be realized. This paper will also point out other problems to be solved, i.e., labor migration, diverse religions in the territory and the overseas Chinese.}, pages = {37--42}, title = {インドネシアの視点から見たASEAN経済共同体の課題}, volume = {52}, year = {2020} }