@article{oai:wako.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004668, author = {加藤, 巌 and 高藤, 洋子 and 鈴木, 岩行 and バンバン, ルディアント and 加藤, 眞太郎}, issue = {2}, journal = {和光経済, Wako Keizai}, month = {Feb}, note = {application/pdf, Nias Island, Indonesia was heavily damaged by the Sumatra tsunami in 2004 and the Nias earthquake in 2005. These natural disasters completely ruined the foundation of daily life of islanders. Human damage was also enormous. People in this island had lost their family members, friends and neighbors. Since then, the global community has continuously supported the islanders. Japan International Cooperation Agency, JICA also has provided several support projects for the island. For the last few years, authors of this paper have participated to JICA grassroots-assistant project. At the first stage of the project, the authors surveyed on disaster-prevention awareness of elementary school pupils in the island. This paper introduces the result of survey and gives some advices to schools in island. Also, this paper introduces the project, which authors have conducted more than two years with the cooperation of counterparts in the island., 研究ノート/Note}, pages = {21--35}, title = {インドネシア・ニアス島における児童の防災知識に関する調査I}, volume = {51}, year = {2019} }