@article{oai:wako.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000135, author = {村山, 和之 and MURAYAMA, Kazuyuki}, journal = {表現学部紀要, The bulletin of the Faculty of Representational Studies}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, This research note examines the beginnings of Chaay, which is now prevalent as Indianstyle milk tea in the tea culture that is prominent and deeply rooted as a necessity in the life and culture of South Asia, based on four poster images that the author happened to encounter and document during her and my travels. The author has long wanted to know when and how tea drinking began in India, and the connection and developmental history of Chaay, which continues to evolve and is still consumed today .Here we explore the origins of Chaay, an unexpected bastard child of the Tea Board of India’s early 20th century national tea promotion campaign, which was born in a railway station as a cradle. In 1920, shortly after the end of the First World War, the first generation of Chaay was born. This article traces the history of Indian tea up to that time and foreshadows the birth of Chaay, the tea drink that has swept South Asia. Today, Chaay continues to grow in many parts of South Asia, but it has only been 100 years in the making., 研究ノート}, pages = {97--120}, title = {インド紅茶史外伝 : 鉄道駅のポスターにみる「チャーエ(チャイ)」誕生の兆候}, volume = {24}, year = {2024} }